Friday, 8 November 2013

yahoo stock data url

Historical quotes can be requested for any period in the past. To request historical quote an URL in the following format is used:
The following lists the parameters of this URL
s=MSFTSymbol for quote requested
a=02Start month of quote requested (Zero based). 00-January, 01-February, 02-March, etc
b=13Start day of quote requested
c=2001Start year of quote requested
g=dFrequency of quote requested. Value d here stands for "Daily"
An example of the returned data is as follows:
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
Here's a neat way to download stock data from Yahoo, perhaps into a spreadsheet (so you can play with the data): a BUNCH of STOCK SYMBOLS separated by "+" &f=a bunch of special tags
for example:
where some special tags are:
aAska2Average Daily Volumea5Ask Size
bBidb2Ask (Real-time)b3Bid (Real-time)
b4Book Valueb6Bid SizecChange & Percent Change
c1Changec3Commissionc6Change (Real-time)
c8After Hours Change (Real-time)dDividend/Shared1Last Trade Date
d2Trade DateeEarnings/Sharee1Error Indication (returned for symbol changed / invalid)
e7EPS Estimate Current Yeare8EPS Estimate Next Yeare9EPS Estimate Next Quarter
f6Float SharesgDay's LowhDay's High
j52-week Lowk52-week Highg1Holdings Gain Percent
g3Annualized Gaing4Holdings Gaing5Holdings Gain Percent (Real-time)
g6Holdings Gain (Real-time)iMore Infoi5Order Book (Real-time)
j1Market Capitalizationj3Market Cap (Real-time)j4EBITDA
j5Change From 52-week Lowj6Percent Change From 52-week Lowk1Last Trade (Real-time) With Time
k2Change Percent (Real-time)k3Last Trade Sizek4Change From 52-week High
k5Percebt Change From 52-week HighlLast Trade (With Time)l1Last Trade (Price Only)
l2High Limitl3Low LimitmDay's Range
m2Day's Range (Real-time)m350-day Moving Averagem4200-day Moving Average
m5Change From 200-day Moving Averagem6Percent Change From 200-day Moving Averagem7Change From 50-day Moving Average
m8Percent Change From 50-day Moving AveragenNamen4Notes
oOpenpPrevious Closep1Price Paid
p2Change in Percentp5Price/Salesp6Price/Book
qEx-Dividend DaterP/E Ratior1Dividend Pay Date
r2P/E Ratio (Real-time)r5PEG Ratior6Price/EPS Estimate Current Year
r7Price/EPS Estimate Next YearsSymbols1Shares Owned
s7Short Ratiot1Last Trade Timet6Trade Links
t7Ticker Trendt81 yr Target PricevVolume
v1Holdings Valuev7Holdings Value (Real-time)w52-week Range
w1Day's Value Changew4Day's Value Change (Real-time)xStock Exchange
yDividend Yield